Who are we?
The Fianna Fáil Women’s Network campaigns for gender equality and the promotion of women´s rights at a national level. All women members of the Party are automatically members of the Women’s Network. The Network has its own Officer Board which is elected by full voting members of the Network. The role of the Officer Board is to guide the work of the Network, to influence Party policy and to promote the involvement of women within the overall organisation.
Our aims are to:
- Promote Gender Equality
- Support Women in Politics
- Create a More Equal Ireland

What we do
- Events - Organise national and regional networking events and specific annual events for Women’s Day.
- Training & Development - Work with party staff to ensure that training is provided for aspirant and selected female candidates and area representatives.
- Network With External Organisations - Play a strong role with organisations aimed at securing greater female participation in political life.
- Leadership - Encourage women to put themselves forward for leadership positions within the general party organisation and for selection as area representatives and election candidates.

Policy and Campaigns
Policy - The Fianna Fáil Women’s Network runs policy conferences to ensure that the female voice and ideas are central to all Party policy. The group regularly communicates with the Parliamentary Party to promote the female policy position at national level.
Exchange Ideas - Give women an opportunity to come together to exchange views, discuss common concerns and develop supportive networks within the party.
Take An Active Role - Encourage women to be actively involved in the mainstream party structures - not solely in the Women’s Network.
Be Campaign-Ready - Help female candidates to build their campaign teams.

Membership and Structure
All female members of the party are automatically members of the Women’s Network. The Women’s Network will be run by the executive.
While the National Women’s Network will provide significant extra supports for women, the promotion of gender equality is the responsibility of all units of the organisation. All units must play their part in securing greater equality and not leave it to the Women’s Network.
Every CDC should run at least one event each year aimed at female members. It should also avail of the opportunity to invite non-members, such as women involved in local community groups, to attend such events.
The National Women’s Network will provide advice to CDCs on running events aimed at women. The National Women’s Network will also run regular regional and national events.
Women’s Network Executive
The work of the Fianna Fáil Women’s Network is driven by the executive with the assistance of the Party’s Women’s & Equality Officer.
Meet the team

Sinéad Geraghty

Susan Whelan

Laura Reid Costello
Honorary President

Maria Buckley
Campaigns and Policy

Jacqui Finnan
Recruitment and Membership

Sandra Murphy
Social Media