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Sinn Féin attempted to "kill" much-needed gambling legislation  - Minister James Browne

Written by Fianna Fáil | 03 May 2024
Minister of State at the Department of Justice with responsibility for International Law, Law Reform and Youth Justice, James Browne, has said Sinn Féin attempted to "kill" legislation that will tackle problem gambling.
This week, Sinn Féin voted against the Gambling Regulation Bill in the Dáil. The Bill will legislate to protect children and vulnerable people from gambling, prevent money laundering, prevent terrorist financing and levy gambling companies.
Minister Browne said Sinn Féin's reasons for opposing the Bill are not credible. 
He said: "Despite government saying clearly that amendments will be brought to exempt charities and sporting organisations from advertisement bans and ensuring that they can sell door to door and in shops, pubs and on the street, Sinn Féin still oppose the Bill.
"Their opposition to the Bill is completely disingenuous, particularly because they champion the no-exemption policy and proposed no amendments on either premises or limits, which are all carry-overs of the existing inadequate laws. 
"With government clearly and repeatedly signalling that amendments would be brought forward, it was reckless of them to vote against a Bill which they themselves acknowledge is good legislation.
"It is essential that we protect vulnerable people and regulate what is an unregulated industry. This Bill will do that.
"As the Bill continues its progression, Fianna Fáil in government will, as it always has done, engage constructively, bringing forward amendments that will provide for charities and sporting organisations. 
"Unlike Sinn Féin, Fianna Fáil takes problem gambling seriously. 
"I believe problem gambling is a scourge on our society, I believe we need to protect our children and our must vulnerable from its effects and I believe this legislation is far too important to oppose as disingenuously as Sinn Féin have."