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Blaney says Legacy Act will deny justice for victims

Written by Fianna Fáil | 01 May 2024
Fianna Fáil’s border counties candidate in the European Election, Senator Niall Blaney, says today is ‘a dark day’ with the introduction of the Legacy Act in the UK.


The controversial law closes off the option of Troubles Inquests and civil actions and offers limited immunity from prosecution for soldiers and paramilitaries.


Senator Blaney said: “This Act is a disgraceful piece of legislation. The High Court in Belfast has already ruled that the Act is in breach of the European Convention of Human Rights. 


“In essence, it denies any prospect of justice for families who had loved ones murdered. Our Government is mounting a legal challenge and that is something I wholeheartedly endorse.


“You cannot deny justice to people. With each passing year, there’s less chance of bringing prosecutions. That said, if evidence of wrong doing is uncovered, the option to bring prosecutions should remain open. 


“This is a backward step and will not bring closure to many victims. Rather than bringing closure, it will cause inter-generational trauma for many victims. It is a dark day for victims of violence and a day of great shame for the British Government.


“Even as this law goes live, I would call on the British Government to re-consider its direction of travel and abandon this heartless Act that will not solve anything.”

