Ceann Comháirle,
It is an honour to propose to the Dáil that we nominate Deputy Micheál Martin for appointment as Taoiseach by Uachtaráin na hÉireann.
By every reasonable measure Deputy Martin has shown that he is qualified to lead our government with distinction. That he will be a Taoiseach of substance, focused every day on the hard work of serving the Irish people. That no matter how tough challenges are in the coming years he will meet and overcome those challenges.
These are often cynical times. There are many who relentlessly portray politics and political leaders as self-interested or incapable. There is rarely any space available in our public airways or elsewhere to acknowledge progress achieved by political leaders.
There is a premium placed on being angry and eloquent in debates.
When you look at the record which Deputy Micheál Martin has amassed over the years you see a lasting and positive impact. You see policies which have helped people in all communities. You see the substance of a leader who has made a real difference.
He was a reforming and dynamic minister for education – who put in place policies which have reduced early school leaving, increased literacy and dramatically expanded access to further and higher education.
As minister for health he pushed forward new national strategies which transformed treatment in critical areas – and he implemented a public health revolution which has saved tens of thousands of lives and inspired 74 other countries to follow Ireland’s lead.
As Minister for Enterprise he created new areas of activity which made Ireland an international leader in key areas and underpin hundreds of thousands of jobs.
As Minister for Foreign Affairs on two occasions he has represented Ireland with distinction, promoting the core values of peace, cooperation and humanitarian aid.
And of course as Taoiseach we saw his great strength as he led us through a terrible pandemic and recession which threatened so many lives and livelihoods.
In those dark days, filled with uncertainty and fear, he never faltered.
He spent countless hours working to find ways of helping people and responding to once in a century problems.
And he spoke clearly and directly with the Irish people at all times. Sharing with them the information available to him and offering hope that we would come through to better days.
During the recent election people of all political allegiances and none came up to him as he canvassed to shake his hand and say that, however they intended to vote, they appreciated that at that time of such a grave challenge he was our Taoiseach.
And during that election Deputy Micheál Martin and Fianna Fáil campaigned on the basis of a positive campaign and positive message of leading our country forward.
And the Irish people responded, giving him the largest and clearest mandate of any party or leader.
He has worked since then to build a coalition government based on respect and a detailed programme. It brings together different priorities, but a shared commitment to action over the next five years.
Each of us who had the privilege of canvassing with Deputy Martin during the election saw first hand the direct connection he has with people. His ability to find ways of addressing their concerns. His sincere determination that we both celebrate success and never lose focus on the urgent challenges of today.
Is mór an onóir dom seasamh anseo inniu mar ionadaí do mhuintir na Gaillimhe. Tá mé fíorbhuíoch dóibh as an muinín atá curtha ionam agus as an deis a bheith ag obair ar a son anseo i nDáil Éireann. Tuigim an fhreagracht mhór atá orm agus tá mé réidh le tabhairt faoi le díograis agus le dúthracht.
Ag an am céanna, tá mé muiníneach go bhfuil ceannaire den scoth againn i dTeachta Micheál Martin. Tá a chumas, a thaithí agus a thiomantas do mhuintir na hÉireann léirithe go soiléir aige thar na blianta. Tá sé cróga, ciallmhar agus dírithe ar na réitigh atá de dhíth orainn mar náisiún. Tá fís láidir aige don tír seo, agus níl aon dabht orm ach go mbeidh sé ina Thaoiseach a dhéanfaidh an difríocht, a chuirfidh ár leas chun cinn, agus a sheasfaidh le dúthracht do gach saoránach.
We never know what challenges will arise, but what I do know is that with Micheál Martin as Taoiseach, we have a leader who is ready to face them head-on. His dedication, his experience, and his unwavering commitment to progress will be invaluable as we navigate the road ahead. I am excited and optimistic for the future under his leadership, and I believe he will continue to work tirelessly to create a better Ireland for all.
Go raibh maith agat, Ceann Comháirle.